Provincial Pages
Introducing Manitoba
AIDE Canada would like to present one in a series of resource packages, this one focusing on Manitoba.
AIDE and partners have created many toolkits, webinars and infographics covering a wide range of topics from education, to housing and beyond specifically for this territory, and have curated a list for ease of use, with links and descriptions.
See links below:
Scroll to the Manitoba section of this toolkit to learn about the education supports and services available in Manitoba for students in elementary school and high school.
This page offers a comprehensive look at the autism-related funding, services and support provided by each provincial and territorial government in Canada. Scroll to the Manitoba section to find the programs available to you.
This toolkit inventories the autism-related funding, services and support provided by the provincial and territorial governments for individuals older than 18 in Manitoba
This toolkit provides an overview of financial assistance available to eligible post-secondary students through their respective provincial, territorial and/or federal government. All 13 Provinces and territories in Canada are discussed. This resource was developed in partnership with the Pacific Autism Family Network. Click to find out about Manitoba Bursary and National funding options.
This clickable infographic can help you find the government college and university funding programs in your area.
This clickable infographic outlines post-secondary education supports that are available in every province and territory in Canada. You can also click to link to federal post-secondary education supports.
Government Supports
This clickable infographic lists the disability supports available for persons 18 years or older in Manitoba (Currently Unavailable)
This video and resource sheet were created by a self-advocate from the autism community. It discusses personal experiences of self-advocates , as well as options and considerations for navigating government disability services in Manitoba.
This resource was developed in partnership with Autism Calgary.
Health and Wellbeing
This video and resource sheet were created by a self-advocate from the autism community. They discuss personal experiences of self-advocates who have pursued a late diagnosis, as well as options and considerations for getting an ASD
diagnosis as an adult in Manitoba. This resource was developed in partnership with Autism Calgary.
This video and resource sheet were created by a self-advocate from the autism community. They discuss personal experiences of self-advocates who have pursued a late diagnosis, as well as options and considerations for getting an ASD diagnosis as an adult in Manitoba. This resource was developed in partnership with Autism Calgary.
This toolkit outlines one mother's quest for resources and activities for her son with autism at no or little cost. She outlines her strategy, and many helpful ideas are offered for finding enjoyable and educational resources. Scroll to the Manitoba resources at the end of the document for ideas in your province.
This video created by Matt Durraugh, a self-advocate from the autistic community, describes challenges and resources that exist for autistic community members seeking employment in Manitoba. Interviews with autistic individuals discuss challenges, services, accommodations and workplace relationships.
This video and resource sheet were created by a self-advocate from the autism community. It discusses personal experiences of self-advocates, as well as options and considerations for housing in Manitoba. This resource was developed in partnership with Autism Calgary.
Your Rights
Adults living in Canada are used to making decisions about their own lives, whether it be where to live, what to eat, what to wear, or how to spend their money. Canadians understand free decision-making to be one of our basic rights. People with disabilities are no exception. Look at the table at the end of this toolkit to learn more about rules applicable in Manitoba