Transitioning to adulthood is an important juncture that often presents challenges for autistic youth and adults. Yet it is a different experience for everyone.
As is the case for many government-funded services, once a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) reaches a certain age, the support available to them changes. In most Canadian provinces, children transition into the adult service program on their 18th birthday, some on their 19th birthday.
Transition planning typically begins between the ages of 12 and 16 years old. Entering adulthood can be stressful, and needing to understand a brand new set of government-funded supports and services can be overwhelming.
This page provides information about the government-funded services and supports available to adults living with ASD. It is organized by province and territory. We are hopeful that a robust understanding of what resources are available – in the transition period and beyond – is helpful to individuals and families.
Please note that the age at which a child becomes eligible for adult resources is different across the country. You will find one separate toolkit for each province and territory.
This page outlines government-funded supports and services available to adults (19 years or older) with autism living in the Yukon Territory.
In Yukon, there are two main funding programs available:
- Yukon Social Assistance
- Yukon Supplementary Allowance
Yukon Social Assistance is a program that provides financial assistance to people who lack sufficient income for living expenses.
You may be eligible if you do not have enough money to meet your basic needs and:
- you are between the ages of 19 and 64 years
- your partner/spouse does not make enough money to meet your basic needs
- you are a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada
- you do not have a First Nation Status Number and/or the last working person in a relationship does not have a First Nation Status Number.
The exact amount of social assistance to be received is determined by a social worker who will compare expenses versus income received over a 31-day period. If the income an individual has received over the 31-day period is less than his/her need, they are likely to be eligible for assistance.
Based on an assessment process, individuals over 19 years of age who are found to be unemployable due to a severe and prolonged disability, are eligible for a Supplementary Allowance on top of their Social Assistance amount.
The Supplementary Allowance amount is $250 per month.