Getting Assistance

We want to make the AIDE site as barrier-free as possible. If you would like assistance accessing the tools or resources on the AIDE website, please reach out to our staff. We can work with you to help you find what you are looking for.
Getting Assistance


If you would like assistance accessing the tools or resources on the AIDE website, please reach out to our staff.  A “LIVE CHAT” button appears on the side of this page when our staff is available to speak with you. If you see the button we can be reached. Just click on the button and a chat window will appear.

AIDE Canada staff are here to help you find resources, chat with us live 9am AST to 5pm PST, Mon-Fri. But if no one is available the chat button disappears. In that case, please fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as we can.


Sign up for an AIDE Canada Community Member Account. All of AIDE’s services are free. Becoming a member allows us to tailor your experience on the website.

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