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Suchakra Sharma on Unsplash
Provincial Pages: Introducing Nova Scotia
AIDE Canada would like to present one in a series of resource packages, this one focusing on the Nova Scotia.

Each province and territory in Canada is responsible for setting up and running their own school system; there is no federal department or national system of education. While education services are much the same across the country, there are some differences among provinces and territories.

This clickable infographic shows the provincial funding supports for children with disability in every Canadian province and Territory.

This toolkit inventories the autism-related funding, services and support provided by the provincial and territorial governments for individuals older than 18 in Nova Scotia.

This toolkit provides an overview of financial assistance available to eligible post-secondary students through their respective provincial, territorial and/or federal government. All 13 Provinces and territories in Canada are discussed. This resource was developed in partnership with the Pacific Autism Family Network.

This clickable infographic can help you find the government college and university funding programs in your area.

This clickable infographic outlines post-secondary education supports that are available in every province and territory in Canada. You can also click to link to federal post-secondary education supports.
Government Supports

This clickable infographic lists the disability supports available for persons 18 years or older in Nova Scotia

This Toolkit will provide individuals and their families information about the Department of Community Services (DCS) in Nova Scotia. The Toolkit will breakdown the different programs DCS provides, how to contact DCSfor supports and what programs and funding is available.
The Housing Toolkit will provide individuals and their families information about housing options in their province and what supports are available to them.

This webinar will focus on the current supports and services that are provided by Autism Nova Scotia. It will allow you to gain insight on the current employment opportunities to support person-directed future planning for individuals with Autism 15+ and older!

The Pinwheel Wellness Centre strives to address a province-wide challenge that Autistic individuals/individuals on the autism spectrum and supporters of the autism community have seen firsthand; specifically, the lack of mental health support and service capacity for Autistic individuals/individuals with autism.
Your Rights

Adults living in Canada are used to making decisions about their own lives, whether it be where to live, what to eat, what to wear, or how to spend their money. Canadians understand free decision-making to be one of our basic rights. People with disabilities are no exception. Generally speaking, Canadian laws presume that people living with disability are capable of making their own decisions, just like everyone else. However, the laws governing decision-making are specific to each province and territory throughout Canada. While there are many similarities across the country, there are also some key differences.