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Visuals and Communication

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This presentation offers backgrounds, insights, ideas, and examples of how visuals can support successful communication for Autistic children and their families. Topics will include what visuals are, how visuals can be used, when and where visuals may be worth the effort. This workshop is designed for professionals and families of autistic children, ages 2-18. Participants will leave with increased confidence in the value and use of visuals to support effective communication.

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Impa Hiriyanna is a licensed Speech Language Pathologist. Impa attended the University of Bangalore in India and graduated with a master’s degree in Speech & Language Pathology in 2009. Impa has had the opportunity to work with children with a variety of speech and language skills and abilities. She enjoys working with individuals of all ages and their families.

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Arni Hamsen is a registered speech-language Pathologist and also has a Masters in Applied Linguistics. He enjoys supporting children and their families with communication to maximize engagement and happiness for all involved. He has a special interest in working with multilingual and multicultural populations and families.

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